CISF Driver Vacancy 2023 :- Online applications are invited from eligible male Indian citizens for filling up the following temporary posts of Constable/Driver and Constable/Driver-cum-Pump-Operator (Driver for Fire) in the Central Industrial Security Force in Pay Level-3 in the Pay Matrix (Rs. 21,700 – 69,100/-) as usual and allowances admissible from time to time to Central Govt. employees. On their appointment, they will be governed under the CISF Act and Rules as well as the Central Civil Services Rules applicable from time to time to other members of the force.
CISF Driver Vacancy 2023: Recruitment of 451 posts of Constable/Driver in Industrial Security Force

They shall be entitled to pension benefits in accordance with the “Defined Contributory Pension System known as the National Pension System” applicable to all employees joining the service of the Central Government on or after 1 January 2004. |
The recruitment process will consist of Physical Standard Test (PST), Physical Efficiency Test (PET) under OMR, Documentation, Trade Test, Written Test Based / Computer Based Test (CBT) Mode and Medical Examination. The salient features of the recruitment are as follows |
Home- Why to Choose Government Jobs? |
In today’s time, everyone wants to get a government job because a government job has its own benefits. Working in a government department increases the prestige in the society. The main reason for wanting a government job is more salary, reduced work load, job Safety, as well as post-retirement facilities are the main benefits of a government job. |
More salary – In government job, more salary is given than private job as well as many other facilities are also provided. Reducing workload- The biggest advantage of a government job is that it has to work a lot less than a private job. Job Security – The future worry ends when you get a government job because there is job security here. Medical Facilities Gratutity Benefit National Pension Scheme Benefit Transport Allowance Paid Leave Benefits Status & Social Power |
There is a lot of salary for many government jobs in india, but getting a government job is not so easy but not impossible. There is a need to work hard to get all these jobs, millions of candidates apply every year to get these jobs. If you also want to do government jobs in these departments, then you should start your preparation. |
Govt Jobs kind 2023 page is a very good place for candidates seeking government jobs. Here all the candidates who are preparing for competitive examination can search for a government job according to their educational qualification |
Recruitment Post Name |
Constable/Driver – Direct |
Recruitment Qualification |
Educational Qualification : Candidate must have passed Matriculation or equivalent qualification from recognized board. Educational certificate other than State Board/Central Board with notification of Government of India declaring that such qualification is equivalent to Matriculation/10th class pass for service under Central Government. |
age of recruitment |
Eligibility Criteria: 5.1 Age Criteria: Between 21 to 27 years. The crucial date for determining the age limit will be the last date of receipt of online applications from the candidates i.e. 22/02/2023 including candidates of North East Region. 5.1.2 The upper age limit is also relaxable for Government servants serving in CISF personnel in the rank of Constable (GD), Constable (Fire) and Constable (Tradesmen), up to 40 years in the case of General and OBC candidates and Up to 45 years in the case of SC and ST candidates, provided they have rendered minimum 03 years of continuous service, have satisfactorily completed their probation period, have maintained a penalty free record and have achieved minimum annual grading of the above is “average” throughout the service. |
recruitment pay scale |
normal and allowances admissible from time to time to Central Government employees in Pay Level-3 (Rs. 21,700 – 69,100/-) in the Pay Matrix in the Central Industrial Security Force. |
Total number of vacant posts of recruitment |
Constable/Driver – 183 Constable/(Driver-cum-Pump-Operator) (i.e. Driver for Fire Services) – 268 |
Recruitment is as follows:- |
Candidates should submit only one application and they will be eligible for both Constable/Driver and Constable/DCPO. Candidates will give their first and second preference for Constable/Driver and Constable/DCPO. The option given at that time to submit the application will be final. |
Applications will be accepted through “Online” mode only. |
Physical Standard Test (PST) / Physical Efficiency Test (PET) / Documentation / Trade Test / Written Test / Medical Examination will be scheduled and conducted. |
The written examination will be conducted under OMR Base/ Computer Based Test (CBT) mode in English and Hindi languages only. |
Verification of required eligibility certificates/documents with original will be done at the time of documentation. |
The recruitment will be conducted on All India basis. |
The final result will be declared on the basis of the performance of the candidates in the written Physical Standard Test (PST), qualifying Physical Examination Proficiency Test (PET), Documentation, Trade Test, Detailed Medical Examination and other conditions prescribed in this notification. |
Admit Card for any stage of examination will not be sent by post. Facility for downloading Admit Card will be made available on CISF Recruitment website Candidates are advised to keep visiting the website regularly for updates on the examination process and download admit card for each stage of examination. |
10% of the vacancies are reserved for Ex-Servicemen in each category. |
Required Educational Documents to Apply for CG Govt Jobs |
Aadhar card |
Address proof |
Certificate |
proof of age |
10th or 12th class mark sheet |
medical certificate |
passport size photograph |
mobile number |
email id etc |
Driving License :
The candidate must possess a valid driving license for the following types of vehicles:- |
a) Heavy Motor Vehicle or Transport Vehicle (HMV/TV); |
b) Light Motor Vehicles; |
c) a motor cycle with gear; Attention is invited to the following clauses in the Motor Vehicles Act 1988, a) Section (4) Age limit in respect of driving a motor vehicle. No person under the age of 18 years shall drive a motor vehicle in any public place. Second. No person below the age of 20 years shall drive a transport vehicle in any public place. b) Section (7) prohibits the grant of learner’s license for certain vehicles. No person shall be granted a learner’s license to drive a transport vehicle unless he has held a driving license to drive a light motor vehicle for at least 01 year. |
Comment : |
a) Unless the above provisions of the Motor Vehicles Act are complied with in the document (Driving License) submitted by the candidates, the Driving License as per the Motor Vehicles Act will be treated as invalid and the candidature will be rejected. |
Experience: |
03 years experience of driving Heavy Motor Vehicle or Transport Vehicle or Light Motor Vehicle and Motor Cycle. The above driving experience will be counted from the date of issue of the respective license. The cut-off date will be the last date for receipt of applications i.e. 22.02.2023. |
Medical Standards : |
The shortlisted candidates will be medically examined by a Medical Board to assess their physical and medical fitness. Medical examination of the candidates will be conducted with reference to the same guidelines for Recruitment Medical Examination for GO and NGO in CAPFs and AR MHA UO NO. a. VI-1/2014-Recruitment (SSB) dated 20th May, 2015 and Ministry of Home Affairs OM No. E-32012/A/ADG(Medical)/DME&RME/DA-1/2020 (Part File)/1166 dated May 31, 2021 and other instructions issued by the Government from time to time to assess his physical and medical fitness for. |
Weight: |
Proportionate to height and age as per medical standard. The weight will be recorded at the time of physical measurement but the weight will be taken at the time of medical test taking into account the fitness to be decided. |
The candidate should not have knock knees, flat feet, varicose veins and squint in eyes. He must be in good mental and physical health and free from any physical defect likely to interfere with the efficient performance of the duties. |
Eye sight: |
a) Visual acuity unaided (near vision) better eye – N6 worse eye – N6 |
b) uncorrected visual acuity (distant vision) better eye – 6/6 impaired vision – 6/6 |
c) refraction with glasses Visual correction is not allowed. |
d) Color Vision: CP II by Ishihara Comments: Binocular vision is required |
Tattoo:– |
Tattoo: The following criteria have been prescribed for determining the permissibility of tattoo: |
a ) Content: Tattoo depicting religious symbol or figure and name, as followed are to be permitted in the Indian Army. |
b) Location: Tattoo marked on the inner aspect of the body at traditional sites such as the forearm, but only left forearm, being non-saluting limb or dorsum of the hands are to be permitted. |
c) Size: Should be less than 1/4 of the particular part of the body (elbow or hand). |
Eligibility Criteria for Ex-Servicemen Candidates: |
Ex-Servicemen who are Sepoy or Lance Naik in Army or equivalent rank in Air Force or Navy with valid Driving License as prescribed in Para-5.3 are eligible to apply for the post of Constable/Driver and Constable/DCPO. |
Ex-Servicemen of the rank of Havildar/Naik or equivalent in Army/Air Force/Navy holding valid driving license as prescribed in para-5.3 may also compete for the lower post in this recruitment provided they fulfill the eligibility criteria and submit written also submit their willingness that in the event of their selection they would not claim a post equivalent to their rank in the Defense Forces. |
Nationality / Citizenship :
The candidate must be a citizen of India. |
3.1 The number of vacancies given above is provisional and may increase or decrease at any time/stage of the recruitment process due to administrative reasons. Amendment in vacancies, if any, will be notified at any stage before declaration of final result by displaying the same on CISF Recruitment website i.e. . |
3.2 The posts are combative and purely temporary in nature but are likely to become permanent. |
3.3 Candidates selected for appointment are liable to serve anywhere in Indian Territory and abroad. |
3.4 Reservation for SC/ST/OBC/EWS/ESM categories is available as per extant Govt. orders. |
3.5 While filling the Online Application Form (Annexure-I), candidates must ensure that they fill in the correct number of Identity proof documents (i.e. Aadhaar Number, Driving License, Voter ID Card, Identity Card issued by University/College or Income Tax PAN Card Number) is correct in their application. The same will be presented at the examination center during each event. Further, the bio-metric data of the candidates will be recorded during the first stage of recruitment and will be used during subsequent stages of recruitment to verify their identity. |
3.6 Candidates should bring all their Educational/Driving License/Caste Certificates and other testimonials in original at the time of PST/PET, Documentation for proper and Trade Test Scrutiny/Scrutiny. If a candidate fails to submit any requisite document in support of his/her eligibility, his/her candidature will be summarily rejected and no appeal will be accepted against his/her rejection for conducting the documents on any other day and they will not be allowed to participate in the further process of recruitment. |
3.7 Caste certificate of candidates having the following particulars in respect of reserved category may be accepted as per the prescribed proforma and the candidates may be allowed to continue in the recruitment process against the vacancy of the respective reserved category a) Name of the candidate, Father’s name, Mohalla/Village/Town to which he/she belongs. b) Certificate issued by the appropriate/prescribed authority. c) Authority of Govt. of India’s resolution is correctly mentioned in the caste certificate which justifies that the claim of the person against the reserved category is genuine. d) The caste mentioned in the caste certificate of the person is included in the Central List notified by the Central Government for that category. |
3.8 If suitable ESM candidates are not available, the vacancies reserved for ESM will be filled by candidates from non-ESM category. |
date of application |
Online Application Submission Date : 23/01/2023 to 22/02/2023 Last Date :22/02/2023 (Upto 2300 Hrs) |
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Questions and Answers |
1. Who can apply for Government Jobs in india ? |
The Recruitment Board of the Government of india offers a bunch of opportunities under various sectors. ie, Banking, Railway, Police, Defence, PSU, PSC, etc. Candidates who fulfill the eligibility criteria of the recruitment board can apply for Government Jobs in Chhattisgarh. |
2. What details can I find on the india government job page on ? |
You can find all important details like name of government organization having job vacancies, salary, eligibility criteria, start and end date for apply online and many more. |
3. How to get notification of Upcoming CG Govt Jobs ? |
To get notified instantly, bookmark this page and subscribe with our push notifications for free job alerts in CG. |
4. How can I apply for india government jobs online? |
You can apply online by browsing the list given on this page. Then you click on the recruitment notice for which you want to apply. On clicking the link, you will see the complete notification. On the notification page you will get the apply online link. By clicking on that link you can apply online for the respective recruitment. |
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