Abkari Vibhag Bharti 2023-24 : Government job recruitment in Excise Department
1. Joint preliminary examination will be conducted for State Service Examination 2023-24 and State Forest Service Examination 2023-24. Candidates should carefully select the option for appearing in the State Service Examination or State Forest Service Examination or both the examinations in the online application form. The application of the candidate will be considered according to the selected option and no correspondence will be accepted in this regard after the final submission of the application form.
GOVT Job Bharti 2023 | 100000+ recruitments on various posts in government jobs, apply soon

GOVT Job Bharti 2023 | 100000+ recruitments on various posts in government jobs, apply soon
2. Candidates applying for the State Forest Service Examination will be able to fill only one combined online application form for the State Forest Service Examination, provided they are also eligible to appear in the State Forest Service Examination. See also Advertisement – coming soon.
3. Online Application for the above Preliminary Examination 2023-24 from coming soon at www.mponline.gov.in and www.mppsc.mp.gov Can be filled on After that this link will be closed.
4. Applications for State Service Examination 2023-24 will be accepted online only. Any kind of manual or application sent by post will not be accepted by the commission.
GOVT Job Bharti 2023 | 100000+ recruitments on various posts in government jobs, apply soon
Recruitment Educational Qualification
Eligibility :-
1. Educational Qualification- For the State Service Examination 2023-24, all the graduate passed or candidates studying in the final year of graduation are eligible.
2. Employment Registration (45) In compliance to the final order dated 08.03.2022 passed in the petition number 5096/2022 filed in Hon’ble High Court, Main Bench, Jabalpur, the candidates of other states have been exempted from registration in the employment office.
(b) Native residents of Madhya Pradesh will not be required to apply for live employment registration, but it will be mandatory for such candidates to present the live registration certificate of the employment office of Madhya Pradesh at the time of interview.
(c) The No Objection Certificate issued by the department/office to the employees of the Government/Corporation/Board Undertaking Commission/Board/University/Autonomous Institution and Civilian candidates working in the service of Madhya Pradesh Government will be accepted. As mentioned above, there will be exemption from employment registration on submission of No Objection Certificate.
The educational qualification / experience / desirable qualification and reservation classification etc. of the advertised vacancies have been mentioned in the published advertisement on the basis of demand letter by the department, in which the Commission has no role to play. Therefore, the candidates are directed that the complaints received in the commission in this regard will not be accepted. In this regard, the complaining candidates can directly send their complaints to that department.
Department of General Adminstration | 1 State Administrative Service Deputy District Head Home (Police) Department, 2 Deputy Superintendent of Police, 3 District Fighter / Junior Staff Officer / Quarter Master / Chief Instructor |
prison department | 1 Superintendent, District Jail, |
finance department | 2 Madhya Pradesh Financial Service School Education Department, 3 Assistant Director, |
cooperative Department | 1. Assistant Commissioner, Cooperative and Assistant Registrar, Cooperative Societies |
Labour Department | 1. Labor Officer (Chief Inspector, Motor Transport Workers Act) |
Women and Child Development Department District Women and Child Development | 1. Officer/Assistant Director |
Public Relations Department | 1. Assistant Director |
commercial tax department | 1. Commercial Tax Inspector 2. Deputy Registrar |
Excise Department | 1. Excise Sub Inspector |
revenue Department | 1. Naib Tehsildar |
cooperative Department | 1. Cooperative Inspector / Cooperative Extension Officer |
finance department | 1. Madhya Pradesh Subordinate Accounts Service |
transport Department | 1. Transport Sub Inspector |
MPPSC EXAM DATE 2023 | Recruitment,Notification, Exam Date, Apply Online, Eligibility, Admit card
recruitment age limit
Calculation of age :-
1. Age will be calculated with reference to 01 January 2023.
2. For the calculation of age, the same date of birth will be valid which is mentioned in the 10th (High School) mark-list of the candidate. Therefore, the candidate should mention the name, father’s name and date of birth mentioned in the said mark-list only in the online application form.
recruitment pay scale
Recruitment pay scale Rs 15,600 to Rs 59,100 per month
C. Fee related instructions :-
1. The examination fee for the above examination can be paid by the candidate through Credit / Debit Card, Internet Banking. Apart from this, the examination fee of M.P. Cash will be accepted through authorized Kiosks of Online. Refer Appendix-02 for fee details. Candidates should check the online application form and ensure that the payment details and “Payment Done” are clearly mentioned. No bank draft or check will be accepted for payment of examination fee.
2. Representations received for refund in connection with excess or erroneous payment of fees in addition to the fees determined by the Commission in the online application form under the recruitment process by the Commission will not be acceptable. Pay the prescribed fees only after carefully observing the instructions given to the candidates. By mistake through kiosk or other means. The Commission is not responsible for refund of excess payment.
D. Error correction instructions :-
1. CANDIDATES SHOULD CHECK THE ONLINE APPLICATION FORM CAREFULLY. The work of error correction in the online application form can be done online only from ————–. For this, ₹ 50 error correction fee will be payable per error correction per session. Candidates can use the services of authorized kiosks of MP Online for error correction. Keep in mind that no error correction can be done in the name of the candidate.
2. Candidates should keep in mind that any error made in the application form of preliminary examination cannot be rectified at the level of main examination or interview, so they should fill the application form of preliminary examination very carefully. If there is any error other than the name, then make the desired correction within the boot correction period.
3. In the case of category correction during the error correction period, if the online application form filled by a candidate as a reserved category is rectified to unreserved category, then the difference amount of application fee will be paid to him (see Appendix-2). will have to be paid in addition to the error correction fee, but in case of change of online application form filled as unreserved category to reserved category, the amount of application fee difference will not be refunded.
4. Category/Category (Unreserved/Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe/Other Backward Class/Economically Weaker Section)/Gender (Female/Male)/Disability/Ex-Serviceman/Government Servant/Birth as filled by the candidate in the online application form The result of the examination is declared on the basis of date etc. Therefore, any kind of change will not be valid after the error correction period is over. In respect of all the representations regarding change of category/category/date of birth, no letter will be entertained by the Commission from the applicant and all such representations will be invalid. Candidates should ensure that they are included under the respective category as per the latest orders of the Government. In case of wrong information, the candidature will be cancelled.
Examination Center and Admit Card :-
1. Objective preliminary examination for the posts advertised under this advertisement will be held on 21.05.2023 in two sessions at all district headquarters. The information about the city of examination will be available to the candidates 10 days before the examination by e-mail and the admit card for the examination will be available for download on www.mponline.gov.in and www.mppsc.mp.gov.in from 14.05.2023 .
2. At the time of invitation of online application form by the Commission in the recruitment advertisements, the examination center is allotted to the candidates on the basis of priority and availability of the city for allotment. No representation submitted by the candidate regarding change of examination city once given priority will be accepted.
3. The classification of Reimbursement has been provided for the candidates involved in the recruitment process to get the travel expenses for the examination as per the rules, according to which the process of payment is done according to the rules, therefore the representations received in this regard through any means are accepted. will not be done.
1 The said examination will be conducted as per the State Service Examination Rules 2015 (as amended).
2. Whatever amendments/instructions will be provided by the government from time to time regarding the selection/examination, all those amendments/instructions will be included in the selection result and the selection result will be declared. No objection will be valid in this regard.
3. In relation to the selection/examination, if amendments related to recruitment rules, age, native employment registration reservation are made by the government, then after issuing revised information in this regard from time to time, the final selection will be done according to the instructions issued by the government from time to time. Result will be declared.
If any change is made in the syllabus published by the Syllabus Committee with reference to the advertisement, the revised syllabus accordingly will be published on the website of the Commission well in advance of the examination. The examination will be conducted on the basis of the revised syllabus as mentioned above. No representation will be accepted in this regard.
5. If any computer error/clerical error is noticed even after the publication of the selection result, the Commission reserves the right to modify the selection result. The list of selected candidates and waiting list and records of selected candidates will be sent by the commission to the concerned departments. The process of appointment will be done by the concerned departments of the government. Candidates of main list / waiting list should not correspond with the commission regarding appointment.
6. After the recruitment advertisements published by the Commission, various types of complaint representations are unnecessarily submitted by many candidates on baseless grounds without any evidence/documents, representations received through any such means will not be accepted.
5. Final selection result of the said advertisement, petition number 5901/2019. 25181/2019 and O.B.C. Will be subject to the final court decision of other petitions related to reservation. OBC According to the letter no. F 07-46/2021/A.P./A dated 29.09.2022 of the General Administration Department, Government of Madhya Pradesh, the main part 87% and the provisional part 13, during the pendency of the petitions related to reservation. Will be released on % basis.
Other instructions :-
1. All the necessary information regarding the advertisement is made available on the website of the Amendment Commission www.mppsc.mp.gov.in . Therefore, all the candidates should regularly visit the website of the Commission and take advantage of the available information. No action will be taken by the Commission in respect of e-mail/correspondence/telephone message received in this context.
2. The educational qualification, caste certificate, domicile certificate and all other documents of the candidates are not maintained by the Commission. Only the work of matching the self attested documents submitted by the candidates with the original documents is done by the commission at the time of interview. All the documents of the candidates selected in the final selection result and the candidates nominated in the waiting list are sent to the departments according to the selection list. The work of verification of documents is done by the department before appointment. Therefore, it is not possible for the Commission to provide information about the documents of the candidates. No correspondence will be entertained by the Commission in this context. The applications received in this context under the Right to Information will be transferred to the concerned departments.
3. Guidelines are circulated from time to time in relation to various recruitment examinations conducted by the Commission, in which it is clearly prohibited to bring any material to the candidate at the examination center, therefore, in relation to unreasonable inquiries received through any means Representations will not be accepted.
4. Apart from the published recruitment advertisement, no other representations will be accepted regarding the unreasonable queries of the candidates through any medium.
5. Necessary information regarding advertisement, results of preliminary examination and main examination will be published only on the website of the Commission www.mppsc.mp.gov.in and in Employment and Construction Newspaper. Information will be given, if necessary, by E-mail and SMS on the E-mail address and mobile number given by the candidate while filling the online application form. Candidates must mention their e-mail address and mobile number at the prescribed place on the online application form for necessary information and keep visiting the website of the Commission continuously.
6. The examination and selection system of the Commission is fair and transparent. No one is likely to benefit anyone by thwarting this system. Therefore, if any person claims to benefit directly or through any other, then it is practically impossible, so do not get misled by such a person and after getting complete information about that person, inform the Commission without any delay so that such person Appropriate action can be taken against. The name and address of the informer will be kept confidential.
1. State Administrative Service Deputy District President Home (Police) Department | Department of General Adminstration |
2 Deputy Superintendent of Police | |
3 District Fighter / Junior Staff Officer / Quarter Master / Chief Instructor | prison department |
4 Superintendent, District Jail | |
5 Madhya Pradesh Financial Services School Education Department | finance department |
6 Assistant Director | |
7. Assistant Commissioner, Cooperative and Assistant Registrar, Cooperative Societies | cooperative Department |
8. Labor Officer (Chief Inspector, Motor Transport Workers Act) | Labour Department |
9 Officer/Assistant Director | Women and Child Development Department District Women and Child Development |
10 Assistant Director | Public Relations Department |
11 District Registrar | commercial tax department |
12 District Excise Officer | |
13 Naib Tehsildar | Revenue Department |
14 Commercial Tax Inspector | commercial tax department |
15 Deputy Registrar | |
16 Excise Sub Inspector | |
17 Cooperative Inspector/ | co-operative extension officer | Cooperative Department |
18.Madhya Pradesh Subordinate Accounts Service | Finance Department |
19 Transport Sub Inspector | transport Department |
Act 1994″ and for the economically weaker sections will be according to the instructions of the Government of Madhya Pradesh.
a. Dearness allowance and other allowances approved by the state government from time to time will be payable in the prescribed pay scale shown in the table.
B. Before filling the online application form, the candidate should ensure himself by observing the rules whether he is eligible to appear in the examination or not. If a candidate is found ineligible at any stage of the examination or even after the declaration of the result or any information given by him is found to be false, his/her candidature will be liable to be cancelled.
S. If any discrepancy is found in the information given in the application form of preliminary examination and the application form of main examination to be submitted later, the application may be rejected.
The. All reservation and exemption of age limit related to it is in the context of the state of Madhya Pradesh, therefore reservation and relaxation of age limit payable to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Classes, Women, Divyangjan and Ex-servicemen candidates only to the original residents of Madhya Pradesh. Will be payable Candidates of the above category of other states will be considered unreserved. For the posts for which posts are not reserved for any category/category, the candidates of the concerned category/category will be considered as unreserved only.
Reservation, relaxation in age limit and other benefits will not be given to the candidates belonging to the creamy layer of Other Backward Classes recognized by Madhya Pradesh Government. Reservation and other benefits will be given only to the candidates of non-creamy layer of other backward classes. Natives of other backward classes of Madhya Pradesh who come in the creamy layer, even after filling other backward classes in the application form, will be recognized as unreserved and they will not be given the benefit of reservation. All OBC candidates will have to give a declaration mentioned in point 5 of Appendix-B before the interview that they do not belong to the creamy layer as per the latest criteria determined by the government.
I. Economically weaker category candidates and candidates belonging to other reserved categories should have the certificate issued by the competent authority in the format prescribed by the Government of Madhya Pradesh before the last date of application.
F. Selected candidates will be appointed by the government on probation of 2 years (probation arrangements will be according to the recruitment rules of the concerned departments)
Important date to apply:
Advertisement Date :coming soon
Start Date of Online Application coming soon
Last Date of Online Application coming soon
Commencement of Correction in Online Application coming soon
Last Date for Correction in Online Application coming soon
Admit Card Availability Date coming soon
Exam Date coming soon
Exam Scheme –
(1) The State Service Examination shall be held in the following three stages:
(a) State Services Preliminary Examination (objective type questions O.M.R. based) for selection of candidates for Main Examination.
(B) State Service Main Examination (Written Descriptive) for the selection of candidates for various categories of services and curtains.
(c) Pre-interview personality test
The examination scheme and syllabus of State Service Preliminary Examination and Main Examination is being published on the Commission’s website www.mppsc.mp.gov.in along with this advertisement. Candidates can download the scheme and syllabus of examinations from the above website.
(2) After the preliminary examination, objections will be received within a period of 07 days through online method by publishing the provisional answer key prepared by the paper setter moderator of the questions asked in the examination on the Commission’s website www.mppsc.mp.gov.in. Any representation received after this period will not be considered. Rs.100 (Non-Refundable) fee will be payable for objection per question and per sub portal fee (Rs.40/-) will be payable separately. The fee paid for objection will not be refunded under any circumstances.
The objections received will be considered by the subject expert committee. After considering the objections by the committee, action will be taken as follows:-
1. Money questions for which a wrong answer has been given from the options given in the Provisional Answer-Key and the other option is correct from the options then the Provisional Answer Key will be revised.
2. In case of difference between Hindi and English translation of the question, only Hindi translation will be valid.
3 For questions for which there is more than one correct answer from the given options, all the correct answers will be marked.
4. Such questions for which there is not even one correct answer from the given options will be deleted from the question paper.
5. After considering all the representations by the Subject Expert Committee, the final answer key will be prepared and will be published by the Commission on the website www.mppsc.mp.gov.in . No objection correspondence will be entertained after the publication of the final answer key. The decision of the subject expert committee will be final.
6. Except the questions deleted by the committee as above, on the basis of the remaining questions, the
result of the preliminary examination will be declared after evaluating the answer sheets of the candidates according to the final answer key.
Download PDF – Link | Official Website – Link |
Online Apply – Link | Join in Official Website – Link |
Abkari Vibhag Bharti 2023-24 FAQ
1. What is the Abkari Vibhag Bharti 2023?
Provide a brief overview of the recruitment process, including its purpose and objectives.
2. Which positions are open for recruitment?
List the job positions available for recruitment within the Abkari Vibhag.
3. What are the eligibility criteria for applying?
Detail the educational qualifications, age limits, experience requirements, and other prerequisites for each position.
4. How can I apply for the Abkari Vibhag Bharti 2023?
Explain the application procedure, including where to find application forms, online submission options, and any required documents.
5. Is there a fee for applying?
Specify if there is an application fee and provide details about the payment process.
6. What is the selection process?
Describe the stages of the selection process, which may include written exams, interviews, physical tests, and document verification.
7. Can I apply for multiple positions?
Clarify if candidates are allowed to apply for more than one position and any considerations for doing so.
8. Are there any reservations or quotas for certain categories?
Explain if there are reserved positions for specific categories such as SC, ST, OBC, etc., and provide the necessary details.
9. What documents are required during the application process?
List the documents candidates need to submit as part of their application, such as educational certificates, identity proof, etc.
10. How will I be notified about the progress of my application?
Specify how applicants will be informed about the status of their application, such as through email, SMS, or a dedicated portal.
11. What is the pay scale and benefits for selected candidates?
Provide information about the salary structure, allowances, and other benefits that selected candidates can expect.
12. Can I get assistance for technical issues during the application process?
Offer contact information or guidance for candidates who encounter technical difficulties while applying online.
13. Are there any specific instructions for the written exam or interview?
Provide any details about the format, syllabus, and preparation tips for the written exam or interview.
14. How can I contact the recruitment authority for further questions?
Provide contact details or a helpline where candidates can seek clarification for any queries.