Chhattisgarh Transport department 2023 : Apply for opening of facility center by Chhattisgarh Transport Department
Chhattisgarh Transport department Facilitation Center Guide – 2022 has been issued by the Government of India’s Gazette No. 240 (A) dated 31.03.2021, Ministry of Transport Department of Chhattisgarh, Mahanadi Bhawan, Atal Nagar, Nava Raipur. Accordingly, a transport facility center has to be opened for making learning license.
Under sub-paragraph 1 of paragraph 3 of the above guide, approval has been given for opening maximum 12 transport facility centers for district Bemetara by order number 565 / scheme / TC / 2022 Nava Raipur, Atal Nagar, dated 13.04.2022 of the Transport Commissioner. Earlier issued advertisement letter no. 0674/P.S.K. / Dist. Angel. Additional / 2022 Dated 26.05.2022, applications were invited for a total of 12 places, in view of which the eligible applicant of only 06 places was issued permission letter no. . / 2022 dated 18.08.
List of remaining 06 Transport Service Center
- Thankamharia Nagar
- Maro Nagar Panchayat Area
- Parpodi Nagar Panchayat Area
- Nandghat
- bhimbori
- the beard

Important Dates:-
Starting date for submission of application form | 28-12-2022 |
Last date for submission of application | 12-01-2023 |
Release of list of eligible applicants after screening of applications | 17-01-2023 |
Date of publication of list of eligible applicants after physical inspection | 31-01-2023 |
Application fee :-
The prescribed fee of application form 200/- will be deposited through online (office OTP).
Documents required for applying :-
- Residence proof of the applicant (Aadhaar Card / Voter ID etc.)
- Educational documents (secondary and higher secondary examination certificate)
- D.C.A. / P.G. D.C.A. or certificate of other equivalent qualification
- Proof of Identity (ID Proof Aadhaar Card / PAN Card / Driving License / Voter ID
- Documents related to the building on which the Transport Facility Center is proposed to be operated (document of ownership / rent agreement)
- Yes. s. T.Certificate or Gumasta certificate issued by the urban body
- Character certificate issued by the Superintendent of Police of the district
- Poverty Line / Divyangjan / Third Gender Certificate (if applicable)
Chhattisgarh Transport department Facilitation Center (LL Facilitation Center) According to Government of India Gazette No. 240 (A) dated 31/03/2021, Transport Facilitation Center can be authorized to make learning license. To give employment oriented form to this concept, Transport Facility Center can be implemented in the state. Apart from the learning license, the fee for the application of other transport services will also be determined at the Transport Facilitation Center. This will provide employment to the educated youth and at the same time transport related services will be easily available to the general public near their homes so that the general public will not have to run around unauthorized agents. Under this scheme, about 1000 transport facility centers can be opened in the entire state, due to which about 4000-5000 jobs are likely to be created.
1. Role of Facilitation Center –
Roles of Facilitation Center Operator in Facilitation Center under the Scheme |
Application for using the notified citizen transport services as well as receiving any prescribed charges from such applicant for the services being rendered. |
2. Eligibility for obtaining authorization letter for operation of facility center –
any individual, association, union, registered self-help group / co-operative society or any legal entity is eligible Will be It is necessary to have own building or rental contract building of at least 100 square feet. It is necessary to have a separate room for the learning license and it has to be ensured that no one else is present while giving the learning license to the applicant. |
GST certificate or Gumasta certificate issued by the urban body will have to be submitted as per requirement for operation of the facility center. |
3. Procedure for issuing authorization letter for Suvidha Kendra-
The Transport Officer of the concerned district will submit the proposal to the office of the Transport Commissioner, Chhattisgarh, determining the maximum number of Suvidha Kendras in that district considering the requirement of the local area. The number approved by the Transport Commissioner shall be the maximum number of Facilitation Centers in that district. |
Subject to the maximum number of convenience centers approved in this way, the transport officer of the district should consider the population of the district and proportional distance and other relevant facts, so that the facility center should not be in any one place in the concerned district, but should be distributed in the entire district. Facilitation centers will be established keeping in mind. The list passed by the District Transport Officer will be final, against which the hearing will be done by the District Transport Officer. |
To set up facility centers under this scheme, applications will be invited by the concerned transport officer of the district by publishing a general advertisement in local or regional newspapers along with the prescribed application fee of Rs.200/-. After screening the applications, information for claims and objections will be published in leading newspapers. Facility . Preference will be given to the local resident of the district for the center. Application fee will not be refundable in any case. |
4.Period of authorization letter, renewal etc.
The authorization letter issued for the Facilitation Center will be valid for one year and can be renewed for a period of one year after physical inspection by the Transport Officer from time to time. |
The application for renewal will be submitted to the transport officer of the concerned district 30 days before the date of expiry of the authorization letter along with the prescribed fee of 2500/-, in case of delay, 50/- per day late fee will be charged from the date of expiry of the authorization letter. Will be done In case of delay of more than 06 months, the authorization letter issued to the applicant will automatically be considered cancelled. |
After giving the opportunity of hearing to the owner of the facility center, the Transport Officer may renew or refuse to issue the authorization letter after the site inspection of the facility center by recording the reasons in writing. |
The applicant or the owner of the facility center can appeal against the order of refusal to issue the authorization letter / refusal to renew the authorization letter passed by the Transport Officer , before the Transport Commissioner, Chhattisgarh Nava Raipur with the prescribed fee within 30 days of the order, such The order passed in appeal shall be final. |
The Owner of the Authorized Facilitation Center may surrender the authorization letter to the Transport Officer at any time and the authorization shall be deemed to have been canceled from the date of such surrender. The owner of the facility center will display the authorization letter and renewal letter at the operated site |
5. Suspension/Cancellation of Authorization Letter-
If the Transport Officer is satisfied that any Facilitation Center authorized under this scheme does not comply with the provisions of the Act or the provisions made thereunder and the conditions of the authorization letter, he may, after such inquiry as he thinks fit and After giving an opportunity of being heard to the holder of the authorization letter, he may by order suspend/cancel the authorization letter. |
6. Physical inspection of the facility –
Under the Transport Department, the Regional / Extra Regional / District Transport Officer / ARTO Officer of the field transport offices can authorize any officer / employee subordinate to the jurisdiction to submit the inspection report. |
The officer authorized to conduct the inspection, during the inspection, will observe whether the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988, the Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989 and the rules made thereunder and the conditions of the authority letter prescribed for the Transport Facilitation Center are being followed by the Facilitation Center or not. For this, the guidelines issued by the Transport Commissioner Chhattisgarh from time to time will also have to be followed. |
7. Liabilities of Facilitation Center Authority-
Any failure by the Facilitation Center Operator to implement any instructions, rules or compliance with any directions, or any default in the performance of valid obligations under prescribed guidelines, whether by himself or by any person acting under his orders, whether the State Government, any of its shall also be deemed to have indemnified the Competent Authorities, and the Transport Headquarters. |
Received in electronic form or otherwise by the Facilitation Center Operator for the purposes of the rules or under the instructions of the Transport Headquarters, |
8. Presumption in respect of prescribed charges paid to Facilitation Center authority.
Print on paper of the electronic acknowledgment generated by the prescribed computer resource in respect of any prescribed charges, including service charges, paid by a person to a facility operator in respect of a notified civil transport service, which is payable to such person at such facility. |
signed by the Central Operator shall, prima facie, be evidence of such payment, and it shall be presumed that the bill or claim for which the acknowledgment purported to have been issued has been satisfied to that extent; However, mere payment shall not by itself create any right, title, condonation of delay, period of limitation, extension of time, or exemption in favor of such person to which he would not otherwise be entitled. |
9. Acts of Facility Center Operator-
The Facilitation Center Operator shall be competent and responsible to perform the following functions- |
making applications for the use of notified civil transport services as well as receiving any prescribed charges from such applicant for the services being rendered, and issuing acknowledgments therefor; and by taking his impression on paper after verification of the digital signatures of the appropriate operator on the electronic record with the prescribed computer resource and further, certifying such verification on such impression and the impression taken on paper being a correct representation of the information contained in such electronic record. |
Paying the tax to the applicant, or his duly authorized representative, in person or through post or courier |
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