Free coaching for CG VYAPAM – Rajiv Yuva Utthan Yojana
Release and application form for admission in departmental website

Regarding publication.
Rajiv Yuva Utthan Yojana year 2019, training session year 2022-23 for free coaching pre-examination training center Bilaspur for free coaching SSC. Banking Recruitment Board, Railway Recruitment Board, Chhattisgarh. In order to get result-oriented preparation for CG Vyapam and other competitive exams Publication of free coaching advertisement and application format is to be done on the departmental website for receiving applications from the candidates. In the above relation, the guidelines of the program and the application format are available on the departmental web site.
Format of advertisement and application form for uploading in is attached.
Kindly forward it for necessary necessary action.
Office of Additional Director, Pre-Examination Training Center, Bilaspur
Press release
Youth Utthan Yojana Year 2019, SSC free coaching for Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe and Backward Classes in Pre-Examination Training Center Bilaspur. free coaching pre-examination training (Cochin) for the preparation of Banking Recruitment Board, Railway Recruitment Board Chhattisgarh CG Vyapam and other competitive examinations will be provided through contracted private coaching institute. Huh. Applications can be sent by registered post. Or you can present yourself from the office day / period and submit it at the free coaching pre-examination training center Bilaspur. Application forms will not be accepted after the last date. There is no need to re-examine the selected candidates in the waiting list of the preliminary examination held on 06-05-2022. He is eligible for admission. Preference will be given to the trainees of waiting list in free coaching pre-examination training.
The remaining vacant seats will be filled through preliminary examination. For this caste – (female class) Anu. Applications are invited from the candidates of Tribe – (Female / Male Category) and Backward Classes – (Female Category). For application form and other detailed information, you can contact in the office of pre-examination training center, in front of Science College, Chantidih Road, Bilaspur during office hours. And departmental website can be seen.
Office of Additional Director, Pre-Examination Training Center, Bilaspur (Ch.G.)
Rajiv Yuva Utthan Yojana year 2019, SSC / Banking / Railway Recruitment Board / Staff Selection Commission / Ch. Applications invited from eligible candidates for free coaching for CG Vyapam and other competitive exams For the training session year 2022-23
Rajiv Yuva Utthan Yojana Year 2019, free coaching Pre-Examination Training Center at Bilaspur SSC. Banking Recruitment Board, Railway Recruitment Board, Staff Selection Commission, Ch. free coaching pre-examination training (coaching) will be provided to 100 candidates for the preparation of examinations to be taken through CG Vyapam / other departments / bodies, through contracted private coaching institutions. Applications are invited till. The application can be sent by registered post or can be submitted in the pre-examination training center, Bilaspur by being present on the office day/period. Application forms will not be accepted after the last date. There is no need to re-examine the selected candidates in the waiting list of the pre-selection test held on 06-5-2022. They are eligible for admission.
1- Qualifications for eligibility of candidates
- The applicant should You should be a native resident of 1
- The applicant has been approved by the Government of India in Ch. Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Chhattisgarh declared for the state. Should be from other backward class declared by the government and should be holder of permanent caste certificate.
- The minimum age of the applicant should be 20 years and the maximum age should be 30 years. The minimum age will be calculated as on 1st January in the year of publication of advertisement.
- Applicant Banking / Railway / Vyapam / S.S.C. possess the prescribed minimum educational qualification for appearing in the examination conducted by
- Such candidates who are currently working in any government service are not eligible for this scheme Will be
- The benefit of the scheme will be given to the selected candidates only once.
- Applicants whose own income or income of parents / guardians is Rs. 3.00 lakh per annum will be eligible for the training conducted under the scheme. For this, the income certificate issued by the competent authority will have to be submitted.
2- Determination of seats:-
Out of 100 seats prescribed for each pre-examination training center, 50 seats will be reserved for Scheduled Tribes, 30 seats for Scheduled Castes and 20 seats for Other Backward Classes. However, in case of vacant seats in any category, mutual vacancies can be filled between Scheduled Tribes and Scheduled Castes and Other Backward Classes. 33 percent of the above seats will be reserved for women.
3- Process of selection of candidates :-
The selection of the candidates for admission to the pre-examination training center will be done through the preliminary examination. Information about the date and center of the examination will be given separately.
4- Format of Pre-Selection Examination:-
(1) The format of the preliminary examination will be as per the prevailing examination pattern at that time. In which generally contemporary subjects are History of India and Freedom Movement, Constitution and Polity, Geography of India and the World, Economy, General Science and Science and Technology, Environment, General Hindi, General English, Quantitative Aptitude, Mathematical Ability, General Mental Ability, Ch. Questions will be asked from topics like general knowledge etc.
(2) The right to change the examination pattern as per the requirement, the Commissioner, Tribal and
Scheduled caste will be of development.
(3) In the event of seats being vacant, the candidates in the waiting list may be filled.
(4) Online application will be arranged by the pre-examination training center.
5- Facilities payable to the selected candidates for training :-
(1) The selected/admitted candidates for the training will be provided with the coaching institutes selected by the department. Training will be provided through
(2) Rs.1000/- per month to the selected/admitted candidates by the scholarship departmentWill be made available under the scheme. Apart from this, the candidates will not be eligible for any other scholarship/scholarship.
(3) The hostel facility will be provided to the selected and remote area candidates as per the availability by the department.
6- Training period:-
Two training sessions of 6-6 months will be organized in a year. For this, the candidates will be selected through preliminary examination, in the first 6 months training will be provided to 100-100 candidates selected in the preliminary examination and in the second 6 months, 100-100 candidates from the waiting list will be provided training. Candidates will be able to join the test series organized by the selected coaching institute in the year and will be able to get the solution of the problem.
7- Facilities available in the training center:-
(1) Arrangements for training room, computer room and office room etc. for the coaching institution will be made by the department for the training of the admitted candidates to get free coaching in the pre-examination training center as per the requirement.
(2) Chair, table, electricity, fan, water, first Ed. Library etc. facilities will be made available.
(3) Subject experts, stationery, books, study material, regular monthly, quarterly, half-yearly test, personal development, English spoken, interview training facility will be made available for the coaching center and students by the selected coaching institution.
8- Disciplinary action against the candidates who take admission on the basis of wrong information will be done and can be expelled from the training work.
9- Expenses for traveling and staying to the concerned examination center for appearing in the selection test The cost will be borne by the applicant himself.
10- The application form for the selection test can be seen/obtained in the office of Additional Director, Pre-Examination Training Center near Science College, Chantidih Road Bilaspur or on the department’s website during office hours.
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