FCI Recruitment Apply Online :-
All other details like educational qualification qualification, age limit, application process, experience and selection process of Food Corporation of India Recruitment are given below in this post of Rojgarniyojan.com . Visit the official website Rojgarniyojan.com daily for Latest CG Jobs .
FCI VACENCY :- Eligible and Interested candidates can submit their Food Corporation of India Department through Online mode before the last date. The last date for receipt of applications is fixed by the department. To know the exact method to apply Govt Jobs NEWS 2024 in this Rojgar Samachar , download and check the official notification.

Department Name :-
(FCI Recruitment Apply Online) Food Corporation of India
Post Name :-
FCI Recruitment Apply Online Direct Recruitment to the posts of Junior Engineer, Steno Grade 2, Assistant Grade 2, Assistant Grade 3, Technical, Deport, Stenographer in Food Corporation of India Department (FCI).
Total No. of Vacancies (Total Post)
In the official notification released by the Food Department of India, a total of more than 5043 thousand posts will be recruited.
Educational Qualification of the post
FCI Recruitment Apply Online The educational qualification of all these posts issued by the Food Department of India should be 10th pass, 12th pass, graduation, BE / BTech from any recognized board.
J.E. (Civil Engineering)
Degree in Civil Engineering
Diploma in Civil Engineering with one year experience
J.E. (Electrical Mechanical)
Degree in Electrical Engineering
Degree in Mechanical Engineering
Diploma in Electrical Engineering with one year experience.
Diploma in Mechanical Engineering with one year experience.
Graduate degree with speed of 40 w.p.m. and 80 w.p.m. in English typing and
shorthand respectively
AG-III (General)
Graduate Degree in any discipline from a recognized University with
proficiency in use of computers.
AG-III (Accounts)
Bachelor of Commerce from a recognized University with proficiency in use of
AG-III (Technical)
B.Sc. in Agriculture from a recognized University.
B.Sc. with any of the following subject from a recognized University:
Botany / Zoology / Bio-Technology / Bio-Chemistry / Microbiology /
Food Science.
B. Tech / BE in Food Science / Food Science and Technology /
Agricultural Engineering / Bio-Technology from a recognized University
/ an institution approved by AICTE.
Proficiency in use of computers.
AG-III (Depot)
Graduate Degree in any discipline from a recognized University with
proficiency in use of computers.
Degree of a recognised University with Hindi as main subject. Proficiency in
English specifically for the purpose of translation. Certificate/Diploma course in
translation from English to Hindi and vice-versa of at least one year duration
from a recognised University/Institution approved by Government.
Given the fact that the major work of Assistant Grade-III (Hindi) would be
translation from English to Hindi and vice-versa, possession of Skill for Hindi
Typing would also be required. To assess the same, Hindi Typing with speed of
30 words per minute will be tested during the period of probation. Confirmation
of probation shall be subject to the candidate qualifying the prescribed Typing
Age limit
The minimum age limit for all these posts issued by the Food Department of India should be 18 years and the maximum age limit should be 45 years.
Pay Scale
The pay scale of all these posts issued by the Food Department of India will be given an honorarium of 15,000 thousand to 45,000 thousand rupees per month.
Selection Process
Written examination and interview will be taken for the selection process for all these posts issued by the Food Department of India.
The online test will comprise of Phase-I and Phase-II exams
Application Fees
General Category ( UR ):
Other Backward Classes (OBC)
Scheduled Caste (SC)
Scheduled Tribe (ST)
Application Date
FCI Recruitment Apply Online Starting Date to Apply :- 06.09.2024, 10:00 Hrs (IST)
FCI Recruitment Apply Online Last Date to Apply :- to 05.10.2024, 16:00 Hrs (IST)