JSSC Panchayat Sachiv Result : Final list of more than 1000 thousand posts of Panchayat Secretary released Recruitment department name Jharkhand Staff Selection Commission, Kalinagar, Chaibagan Namkom, Ranchi-834010. Intermediate Level (Computer Knowledge and Hindi Typing in Computer for the Post of Holder) Combined Competitive Examination-2017 Jharkhand Staff Selection Commission’s advertisement number 01 / 2017 and 02 / 2017 published by the intermediate level (Computer Knowledge and Hindi Typing Qualification in Computer) Combined Competitive Examination-2017 online applications were invited till 24.07.2017. In three shifts, the above examination was conducted on 21.01.2018, 28.01.2018, and 04.02.2018. After that, 7457 candidates were shortlisted for the first stage skill test in order of merit.

JSSC Panchayat Sachiv Result : Final list of more than 1000 thousand posts of Panchayat Secretary released
The binding verification of the certificate of resolution in the skill test was done from 27.08.2019 to 07.09.2019 and from 04.01.2021 to 06.01.2021. Appointments were invited for verification of credentials on 11.09.2019 and 18.01.2021, giving potential candidates the last chance in a prescribed scenario.
2. based on the state merit list in order of order passed on date 15.12.2022 by Supreme Court, New Delhi, in contempt case number 612/2022 related to civil appeal number 4039/2022 and civil appeal number 4044/2022. The list of shortlisted assignments for obtaining district wise options against the relative posts of Panchayat Secretary (Rural Development Department) and lower class clerk (under District Collectorate Cadre) is as follows in order of ruling number:- a) Panchayat Secretary (Rural Development Department) )
Recruitment Post Name
Panchayat Secretary (Rural Development Department)
Recruitment Qualification
Must have passed 10th, 12th, and Graduation from any recognized board or institute
More Recruitment Information
(3) Entries of Panchayat Secretary and Special Category Clerk (under various Collectorate Cadre) to get the option of authorization from the shortlisted shareholders in order of order passed by the Supreme Court on the authorized website of the Commission, as soon as possible link planned. Detailed information in this regard is discussed separately inanimate matter.
(b) the short-notified authority has yet to communicate the option district-wise or has been kept in the nectar class based on merit within the ambit of the speaking class. The final result from the district declaration is based on merit and option in the order of representation of the community. Change is possible.
frequently Asked question…
Question: How to apply for Panchayat Secretary Recruitment?
Answer: To apply for Panchayat Secretary, first you want to search in google Mantraalayajob.com. Then a home page will open where you will see entry status details in the top corner where you have to search about this department. You will ultimately get to know the information about this recruitment, from where you can apply for this recruitment by observing it well.
Question: What are the eligibility criteria for Panchayat Secretary Recruitment?
Answer: Eligibility Criteria for Panchayat Secretary Recruitment: 10th, 12th pass and graduation degree should be obtained from any recognized board or institute.
Question: What is the age limit for Panchayat Secretary Recruitment?
Answer: The age limit for Panchayat Secretary recruitment should be between the minimum age limit of 18 years and the maximum age limit of 38 years.