RRC, Western Railway Recruitment 2023 – Notification For Railway Female Singer – Dancer Apply Now
Table of Contents
Job Title – | for Overview |
No. of Post | Total Vacancy – 02+ Posts |
Salary (Pay Scale) | Rs.VII CPC Pay Matrix (Rs.19900- 63200) |
Online Apply Form Last Date | Job Published Date: 11/12/2023 Last Date to Apply: 09/01/2024 |
Job Location | All india |
Registration Online | To be notified soon |
Category | Recruitment 2023 |

Job Description:
Please read all the instructions in this notification carefully and ensure that you are eligible to apply before filling the application form Online
Applicants can submit their applications ONLINE only on RRC’s websitehttps://www.rrc-wr.com.
Candidates are advised in their own interest to submit Online Application much before the closing date to avoid possibility of any failure to submit application due to heavy load/jam on website.
In case the candidate does not have a VALID personal e-mail ID he/she should create his / her e-mail ID before applying online application and must maintain that e-mail ID till the end of recruitment process.
Candidates should visit RRC WR website regularly (https://www.rrc-wr.com ) for further updates.
- Passed 12th (+2 stage) or its equivalent examination with not less than 50%
- marks in aggregate for NTPC categories.
- (i) Female Dancer – Certificate Degree and Diploma Certificate in any classical dance from a government-recognized institution.
- (ii) Female Singer – Certificate Degree and Diploma in Vocal Music (Classical / Light) from a Government recognized Institute.
- 50% marks is not insisted upon in the case of SC/ST/ Ex. Servicemen / Persons With
- Disabilities (PwBD) candidates and in case of candidates who possess qualifications
- higher than the essential minimum prescribed qualification.
- NOTE: Persons if appointed to the category of Clerk-cum-Typist should acquire Typing
- proficiency of 30 w.p.m. in English or 25 w.p.m. in Hindi within a period of two years
- from the date of appointment and till such time their appointments to this category will
- be provisional.
- For information, let us tell you that the educational qualification is degree pass in the relevant field.
- Apart from this, information related to post wise educational qualification is given in the official notification.
- The link of the official notification has been provided below in the post
Mention any relevant educational background.
Age Limit for RRC, Western Railway Recruitment 2023
Age Limit:
The candidate’s age limit should be a Minimum age of 18 years and a maximum age of 30 years. Lower and upper age limits will be calculated on 01-01-2024.
Age Relaxation: The maximum relaxation in the upper age limit will be as follows –
For OBC candidates – 3 years
For SC/ST candidates – 5 years
For PwBD candidates – 10 years
For (PwBD) + OBC candidates – 13 years
For (PwBD) + SC/ ST candidates – 15 years
Key Responsibilities:
a) The candidates having no professional qualification as per 2.2 above
need not apply.
b) Before applying, for the above post candidates should satisfy themselves that
they have the requisite qualifications from recognized Board / University /
Institute as on the date of closure for online submission of the application against
this notification. Those awaiting results of the final examination for the
prescribed qualification are not eligible and hence should not apply.
c) Notified posts as per Para 1 are open to all candidates as specified therein and
candidates belonging to SC / ST / OBC / PwBD / Ex. Service Man categories
who apply against this notification will be extended relaxation as admissible in a
general open market recruitment. However, in case of being selected with any
relaxation on account of being a candidate from the above categories, he/she will
be taken against reserved roster point. In case the relevant Caste certificates
uploaded are not found to be valid, such candidates fulfilling norms of General
category will be treated as UR.
d) Only the candidates qualified in the Written Test as per merit shall be called for
Practical Demonstration.
e) Merely registering / filling up online application on RRC-WR website does not
entitle the candidate to be eligible for Written Test.
f) Candidates are advised to keep their personal mobile number and personal
valid e-mail active throughout the recruitment process, as all communications
from RRC-WR will be only through Website/SMS/email. RRC-WR will not
entertain any request for change of mobile number and e-mail address at any
stage. Dates for various stages of recruitment process shall be intimated
through RRC-WR website only and candidates are advised to visit RRC WR
website https://www.rrc-wr.com regularly for further updates as there can
be failure in delivery of SMS/E-mail to the candidates due to reasons beyond
the control of RRC
g) Candidature of the applicant is provisional at all stages of selection process subject
to fulfilling the eligibility conditions.
Skills and Competencies:
- Since, Classical form of Dance requires the use of all fully functional senses and limbs,
therefore this post is only suitable for NON PwBD.
Abbreviations: VI- visually Impaired, B- Blind, LV- Low Vision, LD-Locomotor Disability,
OA- One Arm, OL-One leg, OAL-One Arm & One Leg, BL-Both Legs, LC-Leprosy
Cured, DW-Dwarf, AAV-Acid Attack Victim, HI – Hearing Impaired.
Application Process:
To fill the Central Bank of India Recruitment application form online, the following steps have to be followed:-
- To fill the application form, first of all go to the official website.
- After that click on the recruitment option on the home page.
- Recruitment notification has been given there, you have to check the complete information available in it.
- After checking the complete information given in the notification, click on the link of Apply Online.
- The complete information sought has to be uploaded along with the photo signature related to the documents.
- Application fee has to be paid online as per your category.
- The application form has to be submitted after successfully filling it.
- Finally, take a printout of the application form and keep it with you.
Deadline for Application:
- Application forms for recruitment to various posts in Central Bank of India have been invited through online mode.
- Online application forms have been started from 11/12/2023.
- The last date for filling the application form has been kept as 09/01/2024.
- Candidates can fill the application form keeping this deadline in mind.
Compensation: –
The pay scale will be
VII CPC Pay Matrix (Rs.19900- 63200) per month , please check the official notification of this government job for more information related to Metro Rail Jobs for Freshers Salary.
Official Notification – Check Now
Application Form Fee :-
The application fee for the candidates applying for recruitment to 192 posts in Central Bank of India is as follows:-
The application fee for General OBC EWS applicants has been kept at Rs.500/- (Rupees Five Hundred Only).
The application fee for SC ST PWD and women applicants has been kept at Rs.250/- (Rupees Two Hundred Fifty Only) w.
Application fee has to be paid online as per your category.
15. Closing Statement: –
The closing statement of a government job typically expresses gratitude for applicants’ interest, anticipates reviewing their submissions, and emphasizes the importance of the role in serving the public. It may also encourage qualified individuals to apply, highlighting the impact they could have on the government’s mission and the betterment of society.
Download PDF | Link 1 | Link 2 | Link 3 |
Official Website | Click Here |
Online Apply | Link 1 | Link 2 | Link 3 |